Wednesday, 19 October 2016

1 Cor 7:17 "And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there."

sometimes, i think i assume that God's word for me is always to go, to get up and walk, to move to the next level, to chase after something higher, something greater... but in this season especially, i'm beginning to wonder if there is a season of staying before going. a season of being right here— broken, limited, lacking, yet still choosing to obey. a season of the 'regardless', where there is still pain and there is still struggle, but also growth and growth exponentially. and i'm thinking about how growth is not situational, it is not a destination, it is a willingness of heart to be used, to be stretched, even though i'm 'not there yet'

and how these seasons are also seasons of grace
the more i am arguing with Him about how i am unqualified, unworthy, undeserving of such grace.. He only pours out more, as if to say, "I will always have the last word." and somedays can feel like rock bottom, when i am reminded in the loudest way that there is nothing good in me. He comes, in one moment and satisfies, restores.. makes whole every part of me. He reminds me time and time again, there is no striving for grace, only thankfulness and praise.

so many thoughts but words just can't contain them. thank You, over and over, in and through, over and beyond, in the next seasons and right here.

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