Sunday, 27 December 2015


it's 4 days to the end of this wonderful, wonderful year and i have never felt more alive, more thankful, more aware of everything that is churning and shifting around me. 

this year, i promise to write a lot more. i think i let the pain of whatever i have gone through this year to stopper my need to document and create. writing out of my experiences has always done great things for me- through them i stumble and feel my way through the darkness and in so doing, i meet myself in places and learn about who i am in a ditzy, confuzzled manner. i am what i write, i must keep writing.

i promise to create more, to believe in who i can be as a designer and an artist: to make art, not grades. to be bold and step out, to put myself out there and try. and in the next 5 semesters, bloom where i'm planted / take chances / make friends / work hard. school is really awesome. it should be! i promise to continue sleeping at 12:30 everyday too (!!) but i need to remember that it really does not justify compromising on the quality of my work 

i promise to love fiercely. many things have happened this year that have crumbled my hopes of friendships. when i look at how things have crashed and burned, i am tempted to never believe in people again. but i know that this is not who i am. i will fight to love and forgive, even though it might take a little time. i promise to be smart about who i trust and fight for those i know i can. 

i promise to help myself out by diving into the word of God consistently. to hold fast to His promises and to rise up in faith, to trust God and follow Him to the full extent of His Word. this year saw my work robbing me of the joy that comes from reading His Word; the busyness of life hindering my heart from resting in His yoke that is easy and His burden that is light. I must always believe in the sweetness of God's voice in my life. 

woo is this a new year's resolution? cause i'm not so sure. these are more of promises i will hold fast to and keep for my own sake, knowing by faith that they will nudge me closer to be a more poxitive and a healthier person (-: 

To a brighter, better 2016.

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