I wish I had taken more pictures through camp )-:
But that's not really the point. This week saw the passing of yet another youth camp and I can't find the words to describe the way God showed up in the midst of us.
On the first day, i find myself explaining to the girls about who God is, and the amazing way He touches our hearts. It's silly and I laugh because they're half shocked that happens to be the reason why we don't wear skirts in camp. Hours later, I find that they have experienced Him in the same, breath-taking way that we were discussing so intensely earlier and my heart bursts at the seams. I quietly pray that they will never let this encounter slip away, that when they look back at 2015, this very moment will always fill their hearts with faith.
Time passes fast. One moment I am wolfing down dinner and the next I am on the altar. There are moments in camp that I was completely 'gone'. I felt God restore my confidence in the way He spoke to me. As I heard from Him, He brought so many confirmations to my heart and my spirit that I found myself often in shock and in awe, speechless at how real God has shown Himself to be.
It's the last day of games and Derek is still laughing at how bad I am at the soapy slide. Tiff and I go at it six times and I suck (still) with every try haha but we laugh so much trying to keep dry that it doesn't matter. Hours later we are on that altar again and this time God has completely ravished my heart with His love. I am gone. I sit on the altar, tired, and I think of the way I have strayed away from His love and the lengths He goes to, to restore me. He is the God who pursues me.
On the last morning, I lead someone into making the most beautiful decision of her life. God breaks my heart for her and I feel so strongly His love for her and His longing for her to just embrace Him. I felt so much of His joy when she eventually said yes. Times like this make serving God so worth it. My heart is swelling with joy, knowing that God is a thousand times happier than I can ever be.
I am overflowing.
Deep inside I know that camp begins now, it didn't end yesterday. The covenants we made at the altar are covenants to keep every day. The fight is real and it is constant. But I guess the point is that I'm still here and God is here with me.
2016, come what may. I serve a great and living God that won the ultimate victory on that cross. He defeated death and crushed sin, rising on the third day. And now, He stands with me and holds my hand. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. And I will run this race with perseverance, fixing my eyes on the One who loves me with His life.
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
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