Thursday, 1 September 2016

“Don’t settle. Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.” -Chris Brogan 

:chanced upon this tonight on the way home— it washed over me like a breath of fresh air. 

Sometimes, I think the easiest solution to the problems we face is to just 'let it be'. And although that sounds like a whole lot of let-nature-take-its-course (crap), it's nothing short of slumping back into our seats, folding our arms and sighing. Why? Because we've fought hard enough. Because we've talked about it enough. Because we're done fussing about it. When in actual fact all we've done about it is to complain about it over and over. But if you don't like something, sometimes all it takes is to get up and change it. Don't like where you're going, make a left. Make a right. Get off the road. Ride a bike. I think it's time that we understood that our lives are not made up of us bumping into the next opportunity or suddenly discovering a better life. Our lives are made up of the stacking blocks of every decision we choose to make. And the best is reserved for those who get up and choose to do something. 

This comes in so timely. And so, so empowering for me. For a long time I felt like the cards I was 'dealt' with werent the cards everyone else was dreaming about and I felt entitled to something better, a better life, a better me. But this, this challenges everything I've known, this scares me, because that means I have no excuses but to get up and get out of the places I never liked being in. At the same time, this encourages me and excites me— this means that no matter how far along this wretched path I have gone, I can always make one choice to get off it. No matter how far I've run, I can make one right decision to get back to the Father. 

I hope that this shakes you the way it does me: better, brighter days start with a choice, we were not made to meander through life in a haze. If you find yourself slumping back and 'letting go' in a rut, it's not too late, tomorrow can be a little sunnier, a little warmer, a little clearer, only if you choose for it to be. 

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